
The world fertilizer stems from “fertile” which in turn stems from the latin verb fero, which means “to bear” in the sense that the fertilizers carry with them the ingredients that the soil needs to produce the food for the humanity.

The amount of the fertile soil on the Earth is fixed, while the population is growing which is yet another sign of the importance of the usage of fertilizers for our well-being, our future and the future of our kids.

More fertilizers does normally mean more food, but the humanity must take into consideration also the sustainability of their usage for the future generations to come, and also for today’s seas, soils, animals and etc.

A very subtle balance must be achieved and we here at Siman Ltd are sure that our race will find it, and we are doing our best to be a part of the solution in the very best way we can.

We supply several types of fertilizers globally and they are:

More information about each type of these can be found on the corresponding page, along with the specific products that fall under them.

We shall be happy to find out our way with you ahead!

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