Rock phosphate is a naturally occurring mineral rich in phosphorus. It is primarily composed of calcium phosphate (usually in the form of apatite) and is mined for use in various industries, particularly as a key ingredient in fertilizers. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant growth, contributing to root development, energy transfer, and the overall health of crops.
Apart of being used in the process of creating other phosphate fertilizers it can be directly applied to the soil, where it has many adantages such as:
-best for soils with a pH below 5,5%
-It is a very slow released fertilizer
-its an eco friendly and organic fertilizer
-it does provide trace minerals like calcium.
Siman Ltd can offer various grades rock phosphate with P₂O₅ Content from 20% to over 30%.
Packing- 50 kg bags; big bags; bulk in containers; bulk
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