Salt and oxides of non-ferrous metals

Non-ferrous metals are metals that do not contain significant amounts of iron. They are typically lighter, resistant to corrosion, and possess unique properties that make them useful in various applications. Common non-ferrous metals include nickel, chromium, aluminum, lithium, copper, lead, zinc, vanadium and others.

Siman Ltd. has an extensive experience in the field of the electroplating and in the nonferrous metal salts and oxides supplies. Some of the products we source are listed below. Others are available upon customer’s request.

1. Nickel products:

  • Nickel(II) sulfate (NiSO₄): Used in electroplating and as a precursor for nickel salts and catalysts in various reactions.
  • Nickel(II) chloride (NiCl₂): Used in dyeing, electroplating, and as a catalyst.

2. Lithium products:

  • Lithium hydroxide (LiOH): Commonly used in batteries for electric vehicles and electronic devices due to its ability to enhance energy density and improve overall performance.
  • Lithium carbonate(Li₂CO₃): Used in the production of lithium-ion batteries, which power electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles. In the medical field – to treat bipolar disorder as a mood stabilizer

3. Chromium products:

  • Chromium(VI) Oxide (CrO₃): It is a key component in the anodizing process of aluminum, enhancing the metal’s corrosion resistance.
  • Chromium(III) Oxide (Cr₂O₃): Used in abrasive applications like polishing, due to its hardness.

4. Zinc products:

  • Zinc sulfate (ZnSO₄): Used in agriculture as a fertilizer additive and in medicine for treating zinc deficiency.
  • Zinc chloride (ZnCl₂): Used in chemical synthesis, as a disinfectant, and in wood preservation.
  • Zinc Oxide (ZnO): Used in sunscreens, pharmaceuticals, rubber production, and as a white pigment in paints.

5. Vanadium products:

  • Ammonium metavanadate (NH₄VO₃.): Used as a source of vanadium in various chemical reactions and industrial processes.
  • Potassium metavanadate (KVO₃): Used as a vanadium source in chemical processes and has several distinctive properties.
  • Vanadium pentoxide (V₂O₅): Widely used as a catalyst in the production of sulfuric acid and in the synthesis of other chemical compounds.

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