Hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a strong, highly corrosive acid commonly used in various industries and laboratory settings. It is a colorless solution of hydrogen chloride in water, often characterized by a pungent smell.


  • Chemical Formula: HCl (when dissolved in water, it becomes hydrochloric acid)
  • pH: Very low, typically around 0-1 in concentrated solutions, indicating high acidity
  • Physical Properties: Colorless, highly corrosive, and produces fumes in moist air due to its volatility

Key Uses and Applications:

  1. Industrial Applications
  • Metal Cleaning and Pickling
  • Production of Organic Compounds
  • Food Processing
  1. Household Uses
  • Cleaning Products
  1. Water Treatment
  • pH Regulation
  • Desalination Plants
  1. Mining and Oil Production
  • Ore Processing
  • Oil Well Acidizing

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