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Phosphate Fertilizers

Granular mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP)

MAP is highly concentrated nitrogen-phosphorous fertilizer suitable for the most types of the soil and plants. It is normally applied with the basic processing of the soil. It serves for the output increase as well as quality improvement. Nitrogen: 12% +/- 0.5%. P2O5: 52% +/- 0,5%.

Packing available: 50 kg, 1000 kg big bags, bulk in containers.

Granular triple super phosphate (TSP)

The TSP belongs to the group of the water soluble and universal phosphorous fertilizers. Its perfect physical and chemical properties do make it applicable for vast amount of different soils and crops: rise, roses, wheat, tomatoes, etc. Water and citrate soluble P2O5: min 45.5%; water soluble P2O5: min 43%. We are selling it in 50 kg bags and in bulk in container.

Гранулиран моноамониев фосфат

Granular Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP)

Granular highly concentrated nitrogen-phosphorous fertilizer. The values of the nitrogen and the phosphorous 18-46 % increase the resistance of the plants to any unfavorable conditions of the environment (drought, cold/frost). They also increase the resistance of the latter to various diseases. Moreover, high phosphorous content helps the accumulation of sugar in the roots and in the fruits. Nitrogen: 18% +/- 0.5%. P2O5: 46% +/- 0.5%. Packing available: 50 kg, 1000 kg big bags, bulk in containers.

Water soluble crystal MAP

The crystal MAP is fully soluble in water fertilizer, highly efficient source of phosphorous and nitrogen for the plants. It is recommended that it be used in the beginning of the growing season, since at that stage it helps the root system. It is also suitable as an input for the production of highly efficient NPK fertilizers for the P. Nitrogen: min 11%. P2O5: min 61%.

In bags of 25 and 1000 kg big bags.

Guano phosphates

is a pure phosphate fertilizer with 20–30% phosphoric acid content (P2O5)


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